A strategic communications planning course to help experienced PR pros add greater value, make more profound impact, and confidently add a 5-figure premium service clients will pay you to deliver.
A message from your instructor
About Me
Before we begin...
What is Strategic Communications?
Phase I: Research
Overview & Target Audiences
Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Tactics
Roles | Calendar | Budget
What Will Success Look Like?
Sample Plan & Communications SWOT
Recap & Final Thoughts
Before you go...
Wells Fargo Case Study
Review Sheet: Strategic Communications Planning
Jennifer R. Hudson
President, ThinkBeyond Public RelationsHi! I'm Jennifer.
I thrive on big picture thinking and have seen how doing so has helped me position myself as a trusted advisor with clients, demonstrate the power of public relations to have broader impact on organizations, and command premium fees for strategic work!
I want that for you, too!
My dream is to have every PR pro move beyond the "PR=media" mindset and think "strategy first".
We were meant for so much more!
You're taking the first step by learning this planning process, which you can monetize for your business and adapt to the needs of your clients.
If you have questions or comments about the course, please reach out. I'd love to hear from you!